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Silicon Valley heiress Meghan Asha, the daughter of an original investor in Sun Microsystems, needs to stop fraternizing with the plebes, a longtime family friend warns. "Her choices in friendships, recent or otherwise, aren't serving her well," this friend writes, singling out ex-boyfriend Michael Arrington — "an unattractive offering" — and fellow geek addict Julia Allison:

Meghan is a very different spirit than a "Julia Allison" type. I knew her as incredibly down to earth, friendly, smart, and thoughtful. She is someone that has a lot of potential.

Advice we should all take to heart, below.

I think that it is easy to be enamored with a friend and a certain lifestyle that seems really great. You start to lose your roots or not realize how perceptions from the company you keep will effect your life now or later.

I first met Meghan as a teen. She comes from a very lovely, but somewhat strict upbringing. Her family is very accomplished, and I believe her father was one of the original investors in Sun Microsystems, or has some sort of ties.

Meghan is one of those rare individuals. I knew her as incredibly down to earth, friendly, smart, and thoughtful. She is someone that has a lot of potential, as well as one of those people you want to cheer on. That can be a successful combination. However, her choices in friendships, recent or otherwise, aren't serving her well.

I think coming from a somewhat strict environment, and in trying to find oneself as a 20something, someone like a Julia Allison seems mesmerizing. I wouldn't think her parents would be fully pleased with her choices and the surrounding commentary.

As an observation, it seems clear from Julia Allison's own blogging, that she was inspired to capture an essence of a "Sex in the City" lifestyle .... and she has succeeded in doing so. But Meghan is such a different type of person that she should have better than that for herself. Though good press can be better than no press to drive your vision of your own tech website.... is that really true, when you are connecting your circle to receive reviews that present you in a derogatory manner?

The one thing that comes across in both their blogs is that they are looking for relationships. More than likely under Julia's tutelage, Meghan has been on the Today Show and now the CBS Morning show on "dating" related topics. Though a relationship with a really good guy is clearly what they both want the most, these choices will make it harder for them to find what they truly desire. A "great" guy will only come with smart life choices and creating respect for what you do, and who you are.

And as a "girl" looking for that relationship, and in that mindset, you will undoubtedly make mistakes. Such as in Arrington. I would guess her parents would not be pleased. It never matters if you are rich. What matters is what is your character. He is such an unattractive offering. The whole package is unattractive.

Certainly a lapse in judgment. I hope she can start to see what are better choices, and who are better choices, as she grows her vision.