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Vitally important issue alert: The Supreme Court may finally take up the case of when the words "fuck" and "shit" are allowed to be broadcast on network television. The justices could decide as early as today [LAT] to hear a case on whether it's okay for the occasional drunk celebrity to say "Fuckin A-right!" at an awards show, or if that should land the network a hefty fine. The FCC is like, fine the fuckers! But the networks are like, fuck that! It's a true shit storm.

Back in the day, the FCC used to let these little mistakes slide. But then came the rise of Christian conservatives, and the Janet Jackson Super Bowl nip slip, and all of a sudden the agency wants big fines for every little cuss word. Now they say "fuck" in any context has "an inherently sexual connotation."

Fuck that, yo. What about when you just say, "Fuck the FCC?" That doesn't seem very sexual at all. The networks point out they don't even allow cuss words late at night, when they're technically okay; they just don't want to get fined every time Bono is due for an award, and feels the need to express himself.. And while the F-word always gets the headlines, the other word is even more confusing:

Broadcasters also say the rules on what is indecent remain confusing. Variations of the s-word, for example, are considered indecent because they are a "vulgar description of excrement." But the FCC has determined that "crap" and "poop" are not indecent.