While we certainly hope that the ladies of The View are ladylike when it comes to using the ladies' rooms at other lady celebrities' houses [Ed. Note - That's a lot of ladies!], the same can't be said for the men who man Barbara Walters' camera crew. In this clip, Walters politely told the story of how her visit to Casa Cyrus for her (barely watched) Oscar special turned into a literal shitshow, with toilets overflowing and Miley's "very nicely attractive mother" Tish bitterly hissing under her breath that she didn't mind one bit. But the icing on the shitcake is the way in which the Cyrus clan says "Thanks For Visiting, Come Again Soon!", which, in a surprising twist, does not come in the form of a Hallmark card, but rather an engraved tchotchke in the shape of a golden toilet.

The only question is, where will Babs store the thing? One would assume she'll place it atop one of her own myriad toilets spread across the country. However, we're betting that the more likely outcome involves an eagle-eyed sanitation guy at the studio discovering the item stuffed in a garbage can, wrapped discretely in stationary with The View's letterhead. The only somewhat sweet part of this messy story is Elisabeth Hasselbeck's innocent-as-a- Bush-supporter-can-be response to the sight of the clinker: "Where do you find such a thing?" Oh, Hasselbecky. Our advice? Just wait a few hours and check the dumpster out back.