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Comments were great this week. People were very angry about some posts, very happy about others, and very funny about everything. Finding the best five is always a difficult task, but it was especially hard this week. So I enlisted the help of my fellow Gawker editors and reporters. I think we did well. Just remember that everyone's a winner. Except, um, those that aren't. So, after the jump find what we've cobbled together.

  • From TheHonJudgeSmails in Drugs Will Save Us All: "If it doesn't render me a superior Pog trader, I'll pass." [Mr. Hamilton Nolan's choice.]
  • From Sarcastro in How This Generation's Most Important Writer Found His Muse: "So, I think this story concludes with me being married to Josh after Emily stole my Fabrege egg, right?"
  • From mathnet in On The Radio: "Seacrest out."
  • From MisterHippity in Actor: It's Actually Much Bigger: "He was afraid to come out of the green room He was as nude as an hombre could be The heating system was poor in the theater It was cold to a major degree One two three four, why was he so shy Senor? He had an itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie Argentinian-actor peenie To be shown at the opera that day He had an itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie Argentinian-actor peenie In the green room he wanted to stay. He was afraid to uncover his peter For the photographer who would be there He knew he'd lose more than one centimeter To the chill in the opera house air! One, two, three, four, what was Juan so bashful for? He had an itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie Argentinian-actor peenie To expose for the first time that day He had an itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie Argentinian-actor peenie It was cold in the theater that day! " [Our resident criminal Ms. Sheila McClear's pick]

[Mr. Alex Pareene's choice, from The Future of The Magazine Industry Lies Right Behind The Slightly Irregular XXL T-Shirts. Even though one of them was, uh, executed. Is this a first?]

And, in a fitting end to Gawker's ridiculous insidery week, your Party Pick this week went to none other than chairman Nick Denton who deadpanned, in response to someone suggesting that blogger Emily Gould had "fucked" him: "@myboxsmellslikebutterscotch: Not literally. Only metaphorically."

[That one was your doing, people!]