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The NYT's T Magazine has a handy graphic breaking down the fashion styles of indie rockers, and confirming once and for all that nobody should aspire to be an indie rocker. Each band profiled corresponds to a luxury brand. Doesn't that violate some sort of tenet of indie cred? PLUS they are all matched with smiley fashion slogans summing up their look, which just makes you realize that it is always an unwise decision for a band to agree to participate in a story in T Magazine. Below, a picture of each band and their supposed "look"; which is most preposterous? [I vote "Williamsburg prep"]

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Band: Vampire Weekend
Look: "Paul Simon circa 'The Graduate.'"

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Band: Beirut [pic via NY Mag]
Look: "French intellectual meets Bulgarian farmer." [THEN GETS BEAT UP, HA!]

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Band: Deerhunter
Look: "If Kurt C. met Karen O."

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Band: Grizzly Bear
Look: "Williamsburg prep: boat shoes for everyone!"