The MacBook Air is so light you might toss it out with the newspapers

Newsweek tech columnist Stephen Levy had a MacBook Air. Had — past tense. It seems Levy misplaced his über-thin notebook, losing it somewhere in his apartment. That should be easy enough to find, right? Maybe not:
On Sundays in my apartment, the coffee table where the Air sat becomes the final resting place for the bulky New York Times. It is not unusual for other magazines, and newspapers from previous days, to accumulate there as well.
Do you see where this is going? Get the rest, below.
My wife, whose clutter tolerance is well below my own, sometimes will swoop in and hastily gather the pulp in a huge stack, going directly to the trash-compactor room just down the hall from our apartment, dumping the pile into a plastic recycling bin. Sometimes the whole mess gets so nasty that I even perform this task myself. Could it be that somewhere in the stack was a Macintosh computer so thin that its manufacturer brags it could fit inside an envelope? I believe so. (For the record, my wife does not subscribe to this theory.)
As humiliating as it sounds, let me repeat: the MacBook Air is so thin that it got tossed out with the newspapers.
(Photo by Jordan Golson)