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Sure, South by Southwest is wall-to-wall parties — there are almost two dozen official parties tonight, not to mention the unofficial ones. But what to do when the parties end and the official open bars close? Head to the "PureVolume Ranch," a week-long party put together by the social music site The PureVolume parties have always been some of the best in town. This year they upped the ante with a giant, tented outdoor space, complete with dancing, open bar, and live music — all until close at 4 a.m.

If you want to drink and dance, the party's free. Just register at the website. But plastering your company's name on the wall at this hipfest is another matter. There are over a dozen sponsors, and social media upstart SocialThing reportedly paid $10,000 to attach its young brand to the "ranch" for the company's launch party last night.