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Admit it: Attractive women intimidate you. So you'd like to blame yesterday's keynote travesty on Sarah Lacy. She talked way too much, it's true. But Zuck's problem is tha he doesn't know how to hold a conversation like a human. He's more like Summer Glau's Terminator in the Sarah Connor Chronicles: He refuses to respond to any sentence during an interview that doesn't start with a who, what, where, when, or why and end with a lilting vocal question mark. Zuck, we're here to help. We know you're too busy to read "How To Master The Art of Conversation." For you, sir, the 100-word version.

  • Say what you think, not what you think others want you to say.
  • Listen carefully to what others are saying.
  • Assume that a speaker is saying what they mean. If it seems unclear, try to find meaning. Give them the respect of hearing what they want you to hear.
  • Demonstrate self-confidence and project a friendly, informed image.