Just How Big Will 'The Chosen Two' Make Angelina Jolie, Anyway?

It's been nearly two months since we first heard about The Chosen Two's impending arrival, but judging from the size of Angelina Jolie's widening waistline, we suspect Brad's super sperm went into baby-making action a bit earlier than that. Seen yesterday shopping for books in Austin, Texas, Angelina's belly seems to be expanding at an exponential rate not yet seen in celebrity pregnancies. Which got us thinking, what if we saddled Jolie up next to J. Lo and Julia Roberts just before they burst? That way, we can begin to suss out just what size muumuu to FedEx to Casa Brangelina come spring.

Even more intriguing than her size, though, is whether she'll go the casual maternity wear route like Julia or cling to glamour til the end like Jen. Angie fell somewhere in between during her last bout, but there are two of those nymph-like Ones in there! Will the weight of carrying such glorious specimens empowered with more perfection and cherubic good looks than the entire population of Beverly Hills combined break her will to appear on CNN 'til the bitter end? One can only hope.