Who Has Been "Manhandling" Young Ladies?
A fellow of ill repute has been prowling the night, pressuring the fairer sex to promenade with him. Who could this scurrilous rake be, depicted as so in the pages of that ragged New York Post pape: "Which creepy flack has a reputation for being overly aggressive with women? He was recently booted from a nightclub for manhandling a young lady and pulling her hair." This here reporter would say President Taft. Though, his portly nature would make his escape like turning bathwater into sarsaparilla juice. Which is to say, too very impossible. Three more juicy items, all as fascinating as the mysterious floating zeppelin ship, after the jump.
- "Which friendly actor recently fell off the wagon? Though he's been in rehab several times, he was spotted stumbling out of a Hollywood hotel at 7 a.m. looking totally 'wasted'"
- "Which young soap starlet made networks execs extremely nervous when she was starting out? She was known for fooling around with her much older producer."
- "Which Hollywood hunk cheats on his gorgeous model girlfriend all the time? They've been together for a while but he's clearly not ready to settle down."