Yesterday evening, we all met "Kristen", the adorable whore who accidentally destroyed the career of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. Her (non-whoring, show biz) name: Ashley Alexandra Dupre. The New York Times tracked her down and even linked to her (still live, amazingly) MySpace page, so everyone in America immediately listened to her demo (she wants to be an R&B star!) and fell in love. Below, your roundup of internet minutiae and breaking life-destroying news about Ashley "Alexandra Dupre" "Kristen" Youmans-DiPietro. Her neighbors! Her high school photo! Even her new second hot R&B single! All after the jump!

  • The consensus? She's kinda adorable! She's sincere and cute and her song isn't that bad! (Will it become an ironic club hit for a weekend? Probably! At ironic clubs!)
  • The Daily News got her high school photo (at right). She was a bit more "Jersey Shore" then. Also they tracked down some old high school classmates who basically call her a slut.
  • The Post says she wasn't slutty in high school. IMPORTANT NEWS, PEOPLE.
  • She has a fake Tumblr!
  • She has refused to leave her Flatiron apartment all day long. We know this because cable networks are camped out outside, and they periodically break in to let us know that they still haven't seen her.
  • We got an insane email that insisted that she is 32, not 22, and asked whether we or the New York Times even have fact-checkers. Well, we don't. But we're still pretty sure she is actually 22.
  • Here is her modeling portfolio.
  • OMG she hurriedly added a new song to her Amie Street profile. She is going to make this work for her.
  • Another emailer writes to announce that even her neighbors are hot. So we've attached their pictures too.

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Her Neighbors: