Call girl beats Barenaked Ladies, Radiohead singer

Sorry, Thom Yorke. it appears a critically acclaimed career as Radiohead's front man isn't enough to outsell Eliot Spitzer's call girl on the Web. Ashley Alexandra Dupré, also known as "Kristen," considers herself something of an R&B artist. She sells her music on Amie Street, a New York-based music site in which CEO Jeff Bezos took a personal interest and later had his company invest in. It sets its pricing based on the principles of supply and demand. The more a song sells, the faster its price rises. So when Amie Street flack Zane Groshelle confirmed that Dupré's single, "What We Want" rose to 98 cents "just as quickly if not more quickly" than Barenaked Ladies and Thom Yorke, the market's message is clear: She knows what we want.