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Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang may finally be starting to ease into Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's bear hug. But just in case Yang goes suddenly frigid, Ballmer is ready to turn Microsoft's bid to acquire Yahoo from surly to hostile. TechCrunch reports Ballmer has a list of candidates for Yahoo's board ready to go. The stooges, below.

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Edward H. Meyer, the former CEO of Grey Advertising, loves being retired, he told the New York Times last year.

I no longer have clients who demand that I be at certain places at certain times, so I'm much more in control of my time. To suddenly wake up one morning and say, 'I can plot this day pretty much as I wish to do it, and if I want to take an hour off, just walk around the city, I can. that's what's exhilarating.

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John Chapple, the former CEO of Sprint Nextel subsidiary Nextel Partners, has watched his baby get swallowed up in one of tech's most destructive mergers.

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Tom Freston, the former CEO of Viacom, lost his job when Sumner Redstone replaced him with Philippe Dauman, a stiff corporate lawyer best known for having a really cool son who works at Google.

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Jaynie Studenmund was CEO of eHarmony. For two months.