Today a shocking yet mysterious truth is hinted at: a politician, who is male, has been abusing the power of his office in order to receive sexual favors from women. While we can rest assured, for now, that he is foreign, there is no way to guarantee that this troubling phenomenon will not someday reach our shores. For now, let the following NY Post item serve as a grim warning: "Which married foreign head of state makes Bill Clinton look like a Boy Scout? When women are granted audiences with the man, they find him at his desk with his fly open or, sometimes, with his pants already down." After the jump, find two more stories of shocking, and previously unseen depravity: a socialite with a drug habit, and a Hollywood actress abusing staff. Has the world gone mad?

"Which 'socialite' dropped from a size 14 to a size 0 with the help of a new dangerous habit? She and some of her blueblood friends are dabbling in the appetite suppressant, heroin. [NYP]

"Which touchy Hollywood star threw a diva strop when her flunkies failed to fly in her favourite fizzy canned diet drink each morning?" [Mirror]