Shouty radioman Rush Limbaugh is having trouble with his Mac, he recently announced in an on-air appeal, asking Steve Jobs to please help him fix it. Meanwhile, fashion photog and America's Next Top Model judge Nigel Barker has added to his Renaissance man capabilities: photog, saver of baby seals, and now, rater of laptops for Laptop magazine... including his verdict on the much-vaunted Macbook Air.

Nigel rates a variety of laptops for their prettiness and overall sassitude for Laptop magazine; as for the Macbook Air:

"I like the idea of this laptop a lot. I guess slim and skinny is always in. I think the Apple silver look is always really striking. I don't like the fact that it doesn't have CD/DVD drive. I also think it's overkill. Skinny is no longer so important; I don't think everything needs to be that tiny. I think they have gone a bit too far with it and she needs to chunk up a bit. She needs to eat something and put on a DVD drive and some USB ports for her to go to the next round. Eat something, honey."

Meanwhile, ol' Rush got the help he needed after his on-air cry for help: Apple heard him, sent an engineer over, and Mr. Limbaugh's "emails are now saving properly," reports the NYT. Whew!