Not to be outdone by the swift, shaky-cam destruction of its transcontinental nemeses in Cloverfield, Los Angeles is getting its own taste of catastrophe in the latest viral sensation to hit YouTube. At least we think it's L.A.; some have suggested that Case 1017 — the grainy home video of HazMat-suited CDC officials and semi-automatic weapons fire that has attracted 1.1 million views since Saturday — is a tease for Cloverfield 2 or M. Night Shyamalan's forthcoming Philly disaster epic The Happening. Follow the jump, however, for what turns out to be a much simpler explanation.

Like the 01/18/08 release date that came to represent both the setting and the cultural catchphrase for Cloverfield, a quick browse through IMDB's release dates — 10/17, specifically — points to Sony's big mystery-disease horror flick Quarantine. The plot summary, which features an L.A. news crew's footage the only record of the illness ravaging the building in which it's trapped — fits as well.

So there you have it! I know, I know — you're impressed. And with only seven months to wait, at least the studio doesn't have to worry about peaking too soon.