Gavin Newsom soon to be driving Tesla Roadster

The Tesla Roadster, an electric geek dream-machine of a car, is finally entering production. One of the first in line: San Francisco's own Gavin Newsom. The City's hunky god-mayor will soon be mussing his signature coiffure in one of the convertibles. It'll be just the thing to drive down 101 to scare up contributions for the gubernatorial campaign he's thinking about (read: has been planning for the last five years). The young mayor in the sexy electric car is the very picture of political virility, and he just screams "green" — in the good pro-corporate Democrat way, not the bad Green Party vice presidential candidate Matt Gonzalez way. (Photo courtesy of Earth2Tech/Katie Fehrenbacher)
Update: After the jump, Earth2Tech gets up-close and personal with the hair.
"I want to make sure it works in San Francisco, and once we improve it here, try to make a strong argument across the state." Newsom is discussing cap-and-trade pollution policies, but sure sounds like he's simultaneously making a case for statewide office.