Gossip Girl Somehow to Become More Miserable

Michelle Trachtenberg, the actress who threatened to destroy Buffy the Vampire Slayer for three seasons (mission failed, mostly) has just signed on for a role on the Upper East Side rich kids soap Gossip Girl. She'll play the wicked troublemaker Georgina Sparks, who gives current "bad girl" Blair Waldorf a run for her money in the arbitrary bitchiness department. Trachtenberg, an entirely irritating actress, once again tromps all over a show I watch (though Gossip Girl has nowhere near as far to fall as Buffy did.) Either way, I'm the only one who watches the damn thing, so no one really cares. It'll just be me brooding away in my darkened living room, my cobwebby wedding cake rotting beside me, lamenting things long, long lost. [TV Guide via Fimoculous]