Pop Fiction is a "Genies Idea"

That Ashton Kutcher E! show Pop Fiction, where annoying celebrities like Eva Longoria and David Spade play tricks on the paparazzi to teach us all a lesson about reality and truth, is employing some marketing tactics that seem a bit antithetical to the show's mission. It seems that E! hired a PR firm called Cashmere Agency to spam gossip blog message boards with phony comments praising the show in a strange "young people" patois. The comments seemed to pop up arbitrarily on random blog posts, all featuring links to E!'s website and to YouTube clips of the "hella good," "absolutely brilliant" show that is a "genies idea." Spamming is certainly irritating, but what's worse is that it's coming from a professional PR company hired by a large television network. Why on earth did they think it would work? And worse still, the PR company, which targets "urban" youth, chooses to use terrible grammar, spelling, and syntax because, I guess, that's how funky, product-buying city kids do their jibber jabberin'. Fiction indeed. [Celebitchy via Best Week Ever] A sample of the comments after the jump.
Commentor: ms2fab (same IP as Gena and Amanda): Secrets out, is hollywood a new game? I love this show pop fiction, i think its awesome not only for the celebrities to be getting back at papparazzi, but also showing us, the vieweres, that we shouldn't honestly believe everything we here is true!! Incase any of you missed this show, heres a link to a clip that showed what happened a bit, check it out next sunday on E! to see what other stories we have learned to believe is not true!! Why not let the celebrities have their own fun with us,, we are so quick to be able to get a littl epeep into their lives and are the ones obsessed with these kind of things. Billiant Ashton! Absolutely Brilliant! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L...h? v=LiIJczDRd00