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Another day, another lawsuit against Lord Oprah. According to TMZ, an audience member who recently had her dreams come true by being allowed to sit among the teary-eyed, wild and crazy women who plunk themselves down in Winfrey's studio day after day, has been brutally trampled by her fellow Oprah-loving fans during a taping:

"Greenberg says that she, along with an 'excess number of patrons'...were told to enter the studio and sit 'where they wanted, causing a stampede. She says was pushed down a flight of stairs as the rabid fans 'rushed the gate' while pushing and shoving one another."

Perhaps Oprah should start instituting assigned seating? Women this Oprah-crazed anxiously awaiting their meet and greet with the master of ceremonies shouldn't be allowed in the same waiting room, let alone allowed to roam free through the studio decapitating each other and breaking limbs just to land that front row seat. But! Our worries ensue. With news that female fan favorite Jennifer Aniston will appear on the show's finale, unknown housewives getting trampled is the least of our worries. If these Oprah-loving ladies are vicious enough to throw each other down stairwells just to see the Queen, just how many stairwells will they push each other down in order to see the ex-Mrs. Pitt? We advise Jen to hire as many bodyguards as possible. Just as long as they're not Britney's.