All The Excitement And Thrill Of Watching Keith Urban Perform Puts Nicole Kidman Right To Sleep

Looks like Nicole Kidman should take notes from fellow country crooner wife Faith Hill when it comes to groupie love. At a Keith Urban concert in Australia two nights ago, underwhelmed Nic didn't hide any signs of boredom from her VIP seat. There was yawning, there were eyelids dangerously close to shutting down, and even a not-so-subtle glance at her watch just to check how much long she'd have to slouch through Urban's self-proclaimed "awe-inspiring prowess as a guitar player with lightning dexterity." More pictures of Kidman's enthusiastic attendance after the jump, plus our suggestions for how to redeem herself next time:

We do give the placenta hijacker credit for even attending considering just how knocked up she is, but as we vividly recall, Kidman is a vocal star in her own right judging from her kicktastic numbers in Moulin Rouge. Perhaps next time she should don a June Carter-esque printed maternity dress and muster up her chords alongside her hubby.