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Kelly Kreth has a brand-new body... and she wants us to know it! Last Ash Wednesday, the fired NY Press sex columnist, real estate PR bunny, an unapologetic attention-seeker had her second breast-reduction, she told us in an email. (She's also known for going on a disturbing date with dysfunctional serial womanizer Paul Janka.) Explains Kreth, "The first reduction 5 years ago took me from a nearly DD to a big C. Within a year I was a big D again." Damn, they grew back! "However, in the last year they were just so annoying and huge so I just got another reduction... Fingers crossed they stay small." Calculated PR move from an expert? We don't know; we suddenly feel kind of dizzy. And yeah, we've got a SFW photographic timeline.

These shots are after the first reduction, but before the second, Kelly tells us.

And the below photo is after the second reduction: "Insurance didn't pay this time. I had to pay nearly 10K." Sometimes, even breasts have a narrative.