The Latest Additions To The Neverending Roster Of Brangelina Family Members Are ... Barack Obama And Hillary Clinton?

Brangelina has yet to officially support any of the current presidential candidates, but now that they have learned that they're related to two of them, we can expect that an endorsement (or two!) is forthcoming. According to the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Brad Pitt is "ninth cousins" with Barack Obama, and Angelina Jolie is coincidentally "ninth cousins" with Hillary Clinton. So will the couple happily add the Dems to their "soccer team" or will the wildly varying family trees tear 'em apart? After a bit of research, we discovered that even if the pair did welcome them into their many homes with welcome arms, one of the candidates isn't quite as enraptured with the Jolie-Pitts as the rest of the world...
Adding to the potential domestic disputes this news might cause at Casa Pitt/Jolie, the NY Daily News reported back in October that Brad had attempted to endorse Obama's campaign by announcing his support and donating money, but was flat out rejected. As the News said at the time, "Obama's advisers felt Pitt was 'a great guy,' but they didn't want their candidate - who already has the endorsements of Pitt pals George Clooney and Matt Damon - to appear to be 'too Hollywood.'" Whether or not the familial relations change Brad and Angie's political choices, we found the Society's discovery regarding other star members of the Clinton brood even more intriguing: Madonna, Alanis Morrissette and Celine Dion. Perhaps Hill should officially change her campaign theme song to "My Heart Will Go On"? Considering that it won an Oscar, it certainly couldn't hurt!