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It's starting to feel like 1988 around here, and not just because Rick Astley is back in the news. No, it's because old analog-like tech is making a virtual comeback online. Muxtape, the latest project from Vimeo's Justin Ouellette, allows aging alt-rockers and hip-hoppers to create mix tapes for their crushes like we used to with cassettes. And that's just one example.

Swaggle is a group SMS doohickey from Hive Mind's Jordan Schwartz that makes Dodgeball and Twitter look overly complicated and self-involved. It's kinda like the phone tree your elementary school or little league team used to maintain, without all the fuss of having to maintain a public identity.

And leave it to a subversive sticker tycoon to come up with Metanotes. Srini Kumar's new venture gives you a big, flat space to pin web ephemera, to-do lists and other stuff to share with friends (or strangers). Like a corkboard at the supermarket or the flier kiosk at the student union.

Simple, free, and easy to use — these kids just might be on to something. If only Facebook app developers were so clever. (Photo by AP/Mel Evans)