· Joe Francis educates Chelsea Handler on the finer differences between prison and jail. Misogynist and woman-hater, however, still essentially mean the same thing. [Chelsea Lately]
· Great news everyone! Courtney Love is "GETTING MY FICO NUMBER FIXED! ALL THE FRAUD IS GETTING CLEANSED OFF THERE! ITS SO EXCITING." We hope that puts the final nail in the "Courtney is crazy" coffin, folks. As you can plainly see, with her FICO number fixed and the $70 million fraud all cleansed off, she's never been more clear of mind. [My Space]
· Sacha Baron Cohen has apparently taken the Bruno party to Kansas, where "[airport] security workers became concerned when [a European man] stripped down to tight shorts and began kissing, dancing and fighting in the lobby." He was also spotted at a local church's Easter pageant, where he "showed up in chains." [Faded Youth]
· This item about Tom Cruise milling about the Star Trek movie set (don't worry—he's not in it) reminded us of something that had completely slipped our minds: Tom's bearish cameo in Tropic Thunder! [The Scoop]
· Madonna is worried about the tonsil-hockey-partner who got away. [abcnews]
· Any listing of The 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time is bound to provoke debate, but Empire's utters the words "The Littlest Hobo" in the very first sentence, instantly setting things off to a promising start. [Empire]