Craig Stevens is Three Times a Lady

Not sure if anyone cares but me, but our dear friend Craig Stevens, (possibly fake YouTuber, Broadway aspirant, and unwitting homosexual) has posted a singing video! He says of the hot clip: "Hey this is my first attempt at a pop song. I LOVE THIS SONG it's so pretty. Don't hate, I'm learning how to riff! I'm singing this at an open call for Altar Boy(z) on Tuesday!!!!!" The pop song he so dearly loves? The Commodores' 1978 jam "Three Times a Lady." Dedicated perhaps to girlfriend Janine? Watch in reverent awe after the jump. It will remind you of parking at lovers' lane with your special someone, or of sharing a milkshake down at the malt shop, or of the soft mewling of a cat stuck in a hurdy gurdy.