Meet Jon B. Fisher, former CEO of three software companies, including security firm Bharosa. In the clip above, Mark Cannice of the University of San Francisco asks Fisher if he regrets selling Bharosa to Oracle. Fisher does not. He tells us, "Bharosa returned 6X to investors in 3 years." Given Bharosa raised $2 million and that a company at its stage typically sells 25 percent of the company to outside investors, figure Fisher sold to Oracle for maybe $48 million. It's decent bank, but we're starting to wonder if Fisher — not a Bharosa founder — didn't get enough equity for himself before the sale.

In January, he started hounding us to cover the story, by then seven months old, of Bharosa's sale. At one point, he emailed us his bio, which was very informative about Fisher's college extracurriculars.

Jon was a freshman starter on the Vassar College basketball team but opted to discontinue his Division III career in favor of starting his first company in Silicon Valley.

Finally, we asked Fisher if he's job-hunting. "No, worse," he wrote back, "Have book coming out."