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As Jennifer Aniston announced her plans to launch a new production company called Echo Films with longtime producing partner Kristin Hahn (formerly partners with Aniston and Brad Pitt at Plan B), we couldn't help but notice a running theme associated with the majority of their projects in the works. It seems that recent disses from Angelina Jolie and those gushy rumors in all the weeklies claiming she's fallen for (yet failed to nab) co-star after co-star have inspired Echo to pursue production of a number of Women Seeking Revenge Against Men themed films. These flicks will provide Aniston with the opportunity for Aniston to use the power of cinema to address everyone in Hollywood who has labeled her as a Pity Party Girl. After the jump, we take a closer look at the projects they've lined up to get a sense of what kinds of stories Aniston wants to tell moviegoers.

As Aniston told Variety, "We're drawn to stories about people finding their voice and finding their way because they help us...[make] sense of our lives through the stories of others." Oddly enough, many of these movies' story lines seem eerily derived straight out of Aniston's darker fantasies. For example, Echo plans on adapting the novel Getting Rid Of Matthew, about a woman who destroys a man's marriage, invents an alter ego and befriends the wife she spurned. Is this a message for Angelina? Another adaptation, this time of The Divorce Party, revolves around a couple who celebrate their divorce by hosting a soiree. Looking back on the messiness of her divorce with Pitt, Jen may vicariously reenact the way she wished they'd ended things in this part. And in the most intriguing project, Hahn and Aniston will produce Counter-Clockwise, the true story of a psychologist who attempted "to reverse the aging process of subjects by re-creating the era of their prime." Did we mention Aniston plans on starring in each of these flicks? Sounds like cinemagoers will be treated to an intriguing glimpse into Aniston's psyche over the next few years.