Sloane Crosley's Lesson in Self-Effacement

Sloane Crosley: the 29-year-old publishing publicist is everywhere these days, pending the release of her first book of essays, I Was Told There'd Be Cake. (It's been this way ever since young Leon Neyfakh at the Observer profile-swooned over her "shiny hair.") Does she use her much-lauded publicist superpowers on herself? However, we have a feeling that Sloane knows there might be haters out in that catty little media world of hers... and thusly attempts to takes herself down a peg in her author bio for her essay in Esquire, which is a long, possibly over-cute rumination on why she ended her book the way she did.
About the author: Sloane Crosley's debut book of humor essays, I Was Told There'd Be Cake, is being published this week by Riverhead Books. Her work has appeared in various publications including Playboy, Salon, The New York Times, The Village Voice, The New York Observer, and Black Book, where she was a contributing editor. She also wrote the cover story for the worst-selling issue of Maxim in that magazine's history.
That's one way to spin it!
I Am Not a Piece of Candy Twisted Symmetrically at the Ends [Esquire]