Who's Having Loud Hotel Sex?

As the dust settles and the smoke clears after April Fools day, and we begin to piece our lives back together, it's hard to trust anyone or anything. Grandma wasn't really dead? You didn't actually get fired, so there was really no need to stab that maintenance man? What's real in this world? What's up and what's down? Well it may be cold comfort, but I can assure you of this: celebrities still love to take drugs and have sex with each other, and hissy gossip people like to write blind items about it. So find whatever solace you can in that and cancel that hearse. She's not dead, really. Yet. Now, listen to what Ben Widdicombe has to say to you: "Which lead actor in a hit ensemble TV show brags that a female conquest isn't complete unless at least one of his hotel room neighbors calls security about the noise?" [NYDN] Two more after the jump.
- This A list film actress has a new guy. He is also an actor. B list. Television primarily. The good thing about their relationship is that she hasn't done any coke since they started dating. Or pills, or drinking. She does have to deal with his ex though who isn't too happy about being dumped for the actress. [Crazy Days and Nights]
- Which cleancut actor shocked his pals when he openly asked a supermodel for heroin at a music festival? Fans would be shocked. [Mirror]