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The Web's most normal pool of singles, OkCupid, is so easy. I thought it a testament to their smart matching software that my ex-boy and I bumped into one another there regularly. That is, until I heard of a match made by an OkCupid bug that tried to hook up a well-behaved lady with a married guy she knows from work. Here's my bug report.

Married Guy was looking for a little adventure with or without his wife, who had approved the whole thing. He signed up at OkCupid, and got a teaser email with photos and opening profile quotes of a few available women in his area. He recognized one as Single Girl, a professional colleague of his wife. Out of curiosity, he clicked Single Girl's profile.

What he didn't realize was OkCupid notifies its members as to which other members have checked out their profiles. Single Girl, unbeknownst to Married Guy, found his profile in her inbox and realized omigod he's cheating on his wife what do I say to her? She had specified "no married men" in her preferences, so she presumed he had listed himself as single. He, on the other hand, presumed she was into married guys, since OkCupid sent him her profile. Cue mutual embarrassment.