5 Rampages of Naomi Campbell

Oh dear. Naomi Campbell has been arrested at Heathrow airport for assaulting a police officer. Sadly, this isn't the first time the feral English supermodel has shown her bottled-up rage, caused by a difficult job and having lots and lots of money. She seems to enjoy hurling things at her servants and other blue-collar folk. Also Italian ladies. After the jump, a brief recapping of some of the more memorable Naomi Campbell attacks.

In 1998 Campbell rapped her assistant Georgina Galanis about the face and neck with a phone in a Toronto hotel and also threatened to throw her out of a moving car. Miss Naomi plead guilty in 2000 and had the matter expunged from her record because she gave the lady some money and seemed sorry. Oh and she took anger management classes that did her a lot of good.

In 2005 the crazy lady's then-assistant Amanda Brack accused Campbell of assaulting her with a BlackBerry mobile phone. Sounds familiar!

Also in 2005, she beat up her longtime friend, actress Yvonne Scio, because she was wearing too similar a dress to the one worn by Campbell. "She punched me in the face. She was like Mike Tyson," Scio said of the incident.

In 2006 she was arrested for wreaking havoc on a boat.

Again in 2006 she was nabbed for whacking her housekeeper with a bedazzled cellphone. Campbell suspected the housekeeper of stealing her pants. Shortly after, another housekeeper came forward, calling her a violent bigot. Campbell eventually had to do community service in New York City for the rhinestone nights fashion assault, and showed up every day dressed to the nines.
She loves those phones. Next she should just wallop someone with the ghost of Alexander Graham Bell. Oh! I almost forgot! Could this be the source of all her anger?