'Superbad' To Receive Extremely Lame Parody Treatment From The Dudes Who Make Those Extremely Lame Movie Parodies

These are special times, people. You can take Airplane and Top Secret and shove 'em up your ass, because the golden age of the spoof film is happening right now. Superhero Movie is capturing the hearts and minds of the people at multiplexes nationwide. Before that, Meet the Spartans and Epic Movie set the world alight with laughter for months upon months. And now, the brain trust behind those two masterpieces, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, have decided to leave the ancient world behind and parody something much more formidable: Superbad.
That's right, a comedic spoof of an already comedic movie. "Why would something like that be necessary?" you might ask. That's like asking a mountain climber why he wants to scale Everest. Because it's there. Now stop asking questions.
The parody will be called Goodie Two Shoes and it will follow a "group of friends who go on a life-changing adventure." Surely along the way they will encounter lots of fart jokes and pop culture references that already feel dated. And, guess what? The casting call says the movie is searching for look-a-likes to play Flava Flav, Dr. Phil, Paris Hilton, and Michael Jackson. So, if you resemble one of them, give your agent a saidrj%hfn#kasld@nf;lkaks— Oh, sorry! We were getting lightheaded just imagining all the hillarious hijinx Goodie Two Shoes will have in store and our head hit the keyboard.