Who's Thinking of You When He [Beep]s Her?

Remember that Alanis Morissette song "You Oughta Know," where she asks her ex: "are you thinking of me when you fuck her?" Well one rock and/or roller is indeed doing just that, and making sure his soon-to-be ex-wife knows it. By calling her while mid coitus with another lady. Ew. The item is from Crazy Days and Nights: "This rock star's divorce has been so acrimonious (nice word huh?) and he hates his C list ex so much that he loves calling her up and talking to her or leaving messages while he has having sex with whatever woman he happens to be with him at that time." A few more jagged little pills for you after the jump.
- "Which celeb is so hooked on the old Colombian marching powder that he had to pop out to powder his nose no fewer than five times during a two hour film?" [Mirror]
"Which publicist for the wife of one of Hollywood's biggest old school action stars doubles as a rep for her skin-care range? A journalist who recently expressed polite interest in the line was offered the chance to buy some." [NYDN]
- "Which proud new papa cheated on his fiancée two years ago with a famous starlet? The two were hanging at a private bash in his apartment when the mood turned a little lustful." [NYDN]
- And if you're interested, Ted Casablanca's Friday "Blind Vice" is about people named Fey Oiled-Tush and Margarita Screwed-'Em-All. Shudder.