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Did you hear? Doing business in coffee shops is all the rage in San Francisco! Especially at this trendy little spot in the Mission you may not have heard of, Ritual Coffee Roasters. Seriously, if getting a table at Ritual wasn't hard enough already, you can thank the Times for making it that much harder — now every wannabe in khakis and a biz-dev-blue shirt will be jostling with the skinny greys set arriving on fixies for prime seating real estate. Since the Times seems to love reusing blog posts from 2006, I'll throw them a bone and present "The four cafes Times readers can be expected to ruin by 2009":

  • Sugarlump: At 24th and Bryant, it's not on the fancy side of Mission, but it's packed with thrifted mid-century design furniture and has lots of available seating and power outlets. Plus, the Taqueria San Francisco burritos are better than those at yuppified Papalote, and the Tortas Picayudos are to die for.
  • Caffe Roma: This North Beach locale is a haven for local politicos. Just this morning hunky god-mayor Gavin Newsom dropped by to put his hair on a morning segment with local gossip columnist Phil Matier. Couldn't care less about the likes of Newsom, former state assembly candidate Joe Alioto Veronese or supervisor Aaron Peskin? Then come hang out with Valleywag — we're regulars, too.
  • Blue Bottle Cafe: Located near SoMa and the Financial District, it's arguably the best coffee in The City. There's no free Wi-Fi inside, and the limited seating and noisy space aren't optimal for working. But there is Wi-Fi in Mint Plaza, along with plentiful outdoor seating for blogging al fresco. Though the Times Dining & Wine section may have ruined it already.
  • Piccino: This small corner cafe in the Dogpatch off Muni's T-Third Street line also serves Blue Bottle, and will also prepare it in individual drip portions. Plus they have good food and outdoor seating. A favorite amongst the vaguely employed contractors at the Hat Factory, another trend the Times is behind.

Have suggestions for the reporters at the Times technology section? Leave 'em in the comments. (Photo by Bill S)