Who Are the Trailer Tokers?

A typical cocktail of drugs and prurient sexual behavior this morning. Some of it's hippy dippy and pleasant and family-oriented. Some of it is Sapphic and strange. Why are there never blind items that aren't about drugs or sex? Can't we get a good old fashioned accidental murder? Judging from James Ellroy novels, that used to happen a lot back in 1950's LA. Let's make that happen again. It was so dark and smoky and sultry. Now it's just some old dude smoking pot with a kid or yet another promising actor tweeking at some sun-baked Los Angeles event. Sigh. Well, here we go anyway. "Which A-lister toked up with his younger co-star during filming of their megablockbuster? The duo, along with the youngster's dad, smoked pot in the star's trailer, causing the crew to create a code name for when they were stoned." [Rush & Molloy] Three more items, including one long one, after the jump.
- "Which married modelizer likes to spread the love when he's away from home? Apparently, he thinks Sydney is far enough away that his famous Mrs. won't find out." [Gatecrasher]
- "Which supposedly straight actress, who plays a lesbian on TV, is well-known among co-stars for her rather enthusiastic acting during steamy on-screen love scenes?" [Mirror]
- "Normally I would probably skip this one because of who it is, but what happened just deserves to be told because I definitely have not seen it happen before at such a public event. This guy is a C lister. He is an incredible actor and you would know his face, but probably not his name. Plays and films are what he does the most. He has been in some of the biggest films around. He is a guy that will one day get just that perfect role and get a supporting actor nod from Oscar. He is that good. He started acting when he was a kid and is in one of my favorite films of all time. Well, at an event this weekend, he took using drugs to a whole new extreme. There was no furtive coke use or smoking a joint out back. Nope, this guy did meth and lots of it. In the bathroom, outside during breaks in the event. Didn't care who saw him, didn't care where he did it. Carried the damn pipe in his hand when he wasn't using it. The thing is no one stopped him. No one turned him in, and by the end of the evening the guy was wired out of his mind. Crazy, crazy, crazy and then, just like that he was gone. He had been loud and obnoxious and crazy for so long, and then everyone realized the noise level had dropped and he was gone. No one even saw him leave." [Crazy Days and Nights]