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Why is Jimmy Wales, the do-little founder of Wikipedia, cochair the annual World Economic Forum on the Middle East? The event is the "foremost global gathering of political, business and cultural leaders," according to the organizers. Wales was chosen for the "contribution [he has made] globally, regionally or within [his] industry... His expertise in terms of business, knowledge etc. is the important thing here, not necessarily any knowledge of the region... At present the gossip and allegations directed towards Mr. Wales remain just that — gossip and allegation — and as such, the Forum has no comment." What gossip and allegation are they referring to? Something like this, perhaps:

Before he split with Canadian journalist Rachel Marsden, Wales talked about taking her with him — first class, of course — to Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, where the event will take place. I wonder if he ever mentioned that to organizers, and who, if anyone, he'll squire in her stead.