Amanda Hesser uses a computer, therefore qualified to run Web startup

Former New York Times editor Amanda Hesser is starting a new company called Seawinkle, which may or may not be named after an obscure character from the My Little Pony universe. It will aggregate content you produce online into one happy page, she promised in a tetchy response to New York Magazine's insinuation that she was politely kicked out of the new Times building. Hesser also detailed her qualifications as a wantrepreneur:
This may come as a surprise to you but I studied economics and finance before I began my studies of cooking. That's the business part. I have written and edited four (the 3rd will be out this fall, the 4th is in process) books that, while focused on food, are also about history and memory. That's the life part. I, like you, use a computer every day. That's the digital part.
With that kind of firm grasp on technology — she's also pictured here riding a Segway in Paris — I'm sure this venture will be a fantastic success.