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Seeing as contemporary genre godmother Nora Ephron wouldn't be interviewed for today's taxonomy of chick flicks in the New York Times, we didn't know how or even if author Michael Cieply could compensate for the vast accompanying vacuum of perspective. But after a few moments considering the revisionist dynamics of forthcoming films like Ephron's Julie & Julia and Confessions of a Shopaholic — both evidently appealing to younger male viewership — we suddenly knew there was only one capable replacement worth getting on record. And it has a Y chromosome:

[Confessions] is not just for women, the filmmakers insist. "We all have spending habits, a lot of us do," said Jerry Bruckheimer, one of the film's producers, speaking by telephone last week. "If we do our job right, this could be another Wedding Crashers." ...

As Mr. Bruckheimer noted of Shopaholic, we all have issues. "How do you cope with money and love?" asked this producer, whose credits include the 1983 hit Flashdance, about a Pittsburgh woman with a passion for welding, exotic dancing and ballet. He added, "That's something everyone can understand."

Bruckheimer's own experience with money and love is indeed famously complex, often ending with Michael Bay or Tony Scott blowing the shit out of something. This dovetails nicely with Confessions of a Shopaholic, whose fashion and romance themes currently skew female but have yet to undergo the extensive green-screen and CGI that will place plucky star Isla Fisher among a futuristic Fifth Avenue wasteland of transforming accessories and mutated, bloodthirsty shop clerks who steadfastly refuse to stock clothes in her size. Whether or not guys eat it up, God knows Nora Ephron will never know what hit her.

[Photo Credit: WENN]