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Commenters on Hacker News, a Web discussion board, got their panties in a bunch over the weekend over whether to ban stories from Valleywag from the site. The move netted the otherwise obscure site, mostly frequented by graduates of Paul Graham's Y Combinator startup incubator, some coverage from Michael Arrington on TechCrunch. It also netted us a tipster who let us know Hacker News founder Graham, best known for flipping an e-commerce startup to Yahoo more than a decade ago, was engaged to longtime lover Jessica Livingston, author of Founders at Work.

Congratulations, you crazy kids! Mazel tov! The two were reportedly affianced back in October, though it's not clear if a date has been set for the nuptials. Apparently most everyone at Y Combinator knows already, but the couple has otherwise worked to keep it a secret. So, um, guess we're not invited.

(Personal to "Jimmy Wales" on TechCrunch: We'd be happy to send you a milkshake any time, Jimbo).

(Photos by Gabor Cselle)