"Which one is the puppet?"

Chief Mahalo Jason Calacanis, interviewed in his Brentwood hot tub by a puppet. Got a better caption? Leave it in the comments. Bonus points if you're familiar enough with The 250 to identify both puppeteer and puppet.
Chief Mahalo Jason Calacanis, interviewed in his Brentwood hot tub by a puppet. Got a better caption? Leave it in the comments. Bonus points if you're familiar enough with The 250 to identify both puppeteer and puppet.
The fact that this was written by Jordan only underscores the fact that we are ALL puppets, really.
he looks like the kind of guy who'd have kiddie porn found in his computer, at least in this shot that is
Mr. Handuphisass, meet Mr. Headuphisass.
@flakjack wins by far. That was pure comedy