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The clock is ticking down to Saturday's open casting call to fill the role of Mahalo Daily host. The job, formerly held by Veronica Belmont, is to serve as the pretty face for Jason Calacanis's site that's trying to cash in on top search terms. I'll go ahead and endorse Nerdtainment's Sarah Atwood. Am I just offering my recommendation because she put me in her audition video? Of course! But I do have other, less narcissistic reasons.

I'm also a fan of her character Addy May — the refreshingly blunt Southern gal dishes advice, and shows what a trained performer with improvisational moxie and deft comedy timing can do. Plus she's cute, she loves L.A., she's a South By Southwest veteran and I'll bet she has a soft spot for bulldogs. I hear if she doesn't get the gig, Jason Calacanis can expect a late night visit from the Ninja. Don't say I didn't warn him. (Photo by James Smith)