Jude Law In Bitter Struggle To Save His Hair

When we first saw some screen shots from Jude Law's upcoming My Blueberry Nights, we couldn't help noticing the actor's abundance of messy highlighted hair atop his winky visage. Especially when compared to his respectable, but ever-so-slightly receding hairline in Alfie. And after being photographed in London recently sporting the beginnings of a George Costanza 'do, our suspicions that his character's curls in MBN were extensions for boys: "
[Jude] is reported to be so worried about his receding hairline that he has consulted a Harley Street expert, in a bid to save his locks."

According to the Daily Mail, even his ex-wife Sadie Frost is on board the Save Jude's Hair train. She's said to be "encouraging him to seek advice from experts in Chinese medicine, homeopathy and acupuncture." How exactly a Chinese healer will go about growing strands up there is beyond us, but we do have to applaud Law for prancing about with such a strange hairline in public. We can only hope he doesn't pull a complete Costanza and buy one of those Trump-like flyaway tops. We'd have to make like Elaine and track him down, rip it off his gorgeous head, and throw it out the nearest window.