Will A Local Jewish Day School Bend Rules For The Beckhamsteins?

If you're wondering what the Beckhams are doing in Los Angeles, land of Jack Warner and Louis B. Mayer, the corner of Fairfax and Beverly, and Nate'n Als, one need look only as far as David's left forearm, where in Hebraic calligraphy reads a Talmudic proverb that translates roughly to, "He who is tethered to the most majah goat in the village, partakes of the tastiest cream cheese after Shabbat services." As it turns out, the tattoo wasn't just the regrettable result of having imbibed too much Manischewitz after a particularly boisterous Purim party with the Ciccone-Ritchies at the Beverly Hills Kabbalah center; rather, it's a nod to the soccer star's Jewish heritage. Now, reports The Sun, the couple is hoping to get their three-year-old son Cruz into one of our city's finest pre-Yeshivas:
Becks, 32, and Posh Spice, 33, met staff at a top private nursery attached to a Jewish temple in Los Angeles last week.
A source said: "There's no plan for Cruz to be educated in the Jewish faith.
"It's just one of the best schools for young children in LA." [...]
Becks' mum Sandra's family is Jewish but she doesn't practise and he has no other association with the religion apart from his famous Hebrew tattoo.
But David referred to himself recently as "half Jewish".
Success would certainly count as a coup, as the school's strict admissions policy rarely makes exceptions for non-100% certified Jewish students—i.e., ones not born to a Jewish mother. (Posh, despite all her feroshity and love of a good shmata deal, is a shiksa. We know! It's totally ferkakte!) Still, no L.A. institution is completely immune to the seductions of power and celebrity, and the couple's generous offer to fund The David and Victoria Beckham Jewish Children's Soccer Camp—a stunning facility housed in a Rem Koolhaas-designed, geodesic half-dome meant to resemble a massive yarmulke—may be just the gesture to shuffle their little one to the top of the long waiting list.