Julia Allison on Dave Zinczenko: "The measure of a man is how he treats you when he's no longer fucking you."

Care for some cold clafoutis from Balthazar? How about old gossip? Today's "blind item" in the Daily News had juicy hookup details regarding Star's Julia Allison and Men's Health's Dave Zinczenko.
The health-code-violating gossip, as we pointed out, was way old—the pair broke up last May! Allison hastens to add, "Dave and I dated a year ago, and although we remain good friends, he's happily ensconced in a relationship... we haven't dined at Balthazar in over a year." She had one last thing to say regarding Dave: "The measure of a man is how he treats you when he's no longer fucking you." In this, Julia Allison is right. (Excerpted IM convo follows.)
squeela: hehe, he's cute
JuliasFakeScreenname: The measure of a man is how he treats you when he's no longer fucking you.
squeela: Very true...