More and more people are turning to the New York Times to tell them what to think about the growing number of people who are turning to the internet to tell them what to think. Can't make a decision about your hair? The internet will tell you what to do. In a groundbreaking story, the Times reveals that your annoying "should I get bangs or not" friend is now subjecting the masses to her neuroses. And women aren't the only ones seeking validation from strangers. Men are using Flickr to ask if they should keep their goatee. The answer, unless you're a college freshman at a Dave Matthews concert, is no. But all this Wisdom of Crowds stuff is upsetting corporations!

In today's second internet trend story, we learned that big professional companies are the ones who are supposed to make decisions for you. Like the perfume companies. They're outraged that people not only have opinions about their scents, but are now using incomprehensible adjectives to rate them online.

That's two pieces in one Thursday Styles on how the internet is vaguely changing things, what with anonymous advice and criticism. What to make of all these trends, and the trends of reporting? I need hundreds of random people to tell me what to think. Did the Thursday Styles editors notice (care?) they were running two stories on the same subject? What does Christian Dior Poison really smell like? And most importantly, should I keep my bangs?

Everyone's a Critic [NYT]
To Cut of What? The World Butts In [NYT]