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Let Google and Facebook play ultimate frisbee. Yahoos like balls, and they like them in the face. Their game is called Faceball. How it works: Two players sit in chairs ten feet apart and take turns throwing inflated beach balls at each other's faces. One point per facial, and no ducking. This goes on for five rounds. John Allspaw and Dunstan Orchard developed Faceball in April 2007 and ever since, Yahoos — from CEO Jerry Yang on down — have loved it. When it came time to plan the launch of Flickr Video, there was little debate as to what to do. A Faceball tournament was held on April 9, 2008. In the picture above is your winner, cofounder David Filo. Below, a video (on Vimeo, not Flickr, oddly) from Faceball creators Allspaw and Orchard describing their game, as well as more photos (on Flickr) from the tournament.

Skip to 2:30 for a startling confession from Orchard. At 6:00, Allspaw explains why Googlers might not have the proper equipment to play.

CEO Jerry Yang gets a ball to the face.

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CFO Blake Jorgensen waits patiently for the blow.

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Network Division chief Jeff Weiner can take your balls like a man.

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(Photos by Yodel Anecdotal)