Who Keeps Falling Off the Wagon?

Look, it is one thing to spark up a doobie and get laced at parties, but it is quite another to walk around fried all day. So why do the rich and famous do it? Every day I'm reading about this and that with the smoking the drugs and the snorting the drugs. Is it because they can afford it? Are they bored? Why don't they just go take a walk? I tell you, when I become rich and famous (it's inevitable), all I'm going to get addicted to is fancy pajamas and Goldfish crackers. And booze. Hey, here's a druggy blind item right here, from Gatecrasher: "Which celebrity stylist, who should know better, has been blabbing in L.A. that a particular designer has tumbled off the wagon - again?" Two more items after the jump.
- "Which up and coming British actress, who claims her slender frame is simply due to being in the public eye, is really keeping weight off thanks to a diet of champagne and Colombian marching powder?" [Mirror]
- "So, what do you do when you are hosting a show and you have a member of a rock and roll super group come in? Well you try and get him to sign something for charity. I mean this group has been famous for 30 years and has licensed everything from condoms to coffins to eyeliner in order to make a buck. This singer and guitarist for the band was asked to autograph a guitar for a charity and he declined. Turns out he only signs things when he knows he will get a piece of the action. Since the show declined to give him a piece of the action, he declined to help the charity." (Gene Simmons, right?) [Crazy Days and Nights]