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After an internet-wide tweenhunt for missing That's So Raven star Orlando Brown turned up virtually every known Orlando in existence (including former Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle Orlando Brown) save the Disney Channel star in question, people began to fear the worst. We're thrilled to report, however, that the young actor has resurfaced, and is doing just fine:

[Brown said] he simply "needed to be alone."

In a statement, Brown, 20, thanked fans for their support and apologized for not informing anyone of his whereabouts for over 24 hours.

Brown, who is a musician as well as an actor, said he dropped out of sight after a problem last week involving a scheduled performance at Club Tattoo in Los Angeles. After the incident, the statement said, he "felt a little lost and needed to get away."

"It got a bit overwhelming and I needed to be alone," he said.

We know the feeling: When our all-girl Joan Baez punk cover band Diamonds+Rust got bumped from a lineup at The Smell recently over some bullshit "scheduling miscommunication" (yeah...right), we weren't able to see anyone for days, ignoring the 28 missed calls from our increasingly frantic publicist as we set out on a journey of personal discovery that involved seeing how many Jumbo Jet-Puffed Marshmallows we could cram into our mouths as ABC's "How to Be A...Zillionaire!" blasted through the headphones of a Sony Sports Walkman. Eventually, we got over it, and so will Brown.