MSNBC Ashamed Enough To Lie About Heidi Montag

Remember how Heidi Montag, the Gumby-esque star of The Hills, decided not to go to the White House Correspondents Dinner as MSNBC's guest? (Because it wasn't "A-listy enough.") And remember how MSNBC claimed that no such invitation had been extended? Well, Radar seems to have caught the news network in a bit of an egregious (albeit completely understandable) lie there.
They got a hold of an email from Courtney Hazlett, a columnist for's the Scoop, that blatantly mentions Heidi's invite, saying "Heidi, if you are indeed going to attend as our guest. I need to know in the next couple hours." So yeah, that's pretty clear. A rep for MSNBC says that it was, of course, the Post's fault. According to MSNBC, when Page 6 was originally reporting on the whole kerfuffle, they spoke to someone at MSNBC TV, not, who were the ones who actually invited Heidi along. Oh what clever semantics! It's hard to believe that no one in the TV division would be aware that America's greatest unnatural resource had been invited to such an austere event (dignitaries Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson will be in attendance) by their internet colleagues. Believe you me, if someone at Gizmodo was going out to lunch with Heidi Montag, I would know all about it. That's happening soon, right Brian Lam? [Radar]